Monday, 1 March 2021

January 2019 was the last time I blogged.  I thought I was on the up and up with a new and proper diagnoses.  The prednisone was working, at least it worked until it plateaued.  I couldn't get past 10mg, and I was still taking anti-inflammatories (and painkillers).  Finally my new Dr conceded that maybe we needed a 2nd opinion on the polymyalgia, for 2 reasons, 1 it is extremely rare for someone under 50 to get it, and the other reason is that I still had a lot of pain that wasn't subsiding AT ALL in my spine.  So a referral to the rheumatologist (the 2nd one I've seen over the years).

Well, what happened was good and bad. (personally and worldwide).  The bad was that the Dr confirmed definitely that he believes it is fibromyalgia that I have, and the good was that he believed I had local issues that triggered the fibro and that they need to be dealt with, as in sorted, as in get some scans done and find out where this serious pain is coming from!!  I say good news because the scans all pointed to issues with discs in my spine, and this is fixable.  We know fibro isn't, but local issues are, and can be!!! So yes, it has been a VERY long journey to today - literally 2 years since I have been on this blog - I'm sorry it took so long but it's been one helluva an eye opener.  

So, what's the story?  Major disc issues in L5-S1 and C5-C7, and a surgery to fix this is on the horizon... let's remember this is after YEARS of my old Dr just chucking me in the fibro box over and over.  This really could have been dealt with a lot sooner, so what I'm saying to you all is, you know your body, keep fighting for what you know.  I should have pushed more, and questioned more, and said how I felt.  I KNEW this wasn't just fibro, it really wasn't!!  So now after MRI's, CT Scans, and x-rays we know there is some major shiz going on!  I know I may be sounding overly abundantly positive, it's just that all I know is, there may be 'some' relief coming my way.  I'll always have fibro, I get that, but if only I could increase the relief by some slight percentage I would be one happy camper. 

What kind of Dr do you have?  Are they really looking into 'why' you have the issues you have?  Don't just let the diagnoses be fibro if you feel there are underlying issues.  Don't disbelieve yourself.  It doesn't hurt to ask and if you aren't being treated as you should be, change Dr's.  Immediately.  I'll never look back, I have such a caring and interested Dr who really wants me to be painfree.  It's worth looking to find that Dr who really feels your pain!  

Good luck out there, especially with the added issue of Covid.  We could all do with a break!!